As I mentioned in my opener, in our household the word "woowoo" refers to anything sort of, um...., "out there". As in crystals, energy lines, aliens walk among us, all the way down to the more common....meditation. I knew I should be meditating, if nothing more than to calm my mind prior to sleep. But I was directed by those close to me to get a little more devoted to guided meditation. More specifically, to focus on abundance, as I had been feeling lately that I was lacking somehow, and in more than one area.
"Okay, okay", I said -- if nothing more than to get my advisors off my back.... So I did two things. I began a guided meditation on believing In abundance on Friday, March 8th. Just a silly little app I downloaded from my Android App Store. On Sunday, March 10th, I bought a painting from a friend SPECIFICALLY because it had to do with the theme of abundance and diving deep to get the job done. Which was kind of what I was doing.
Now, I don't know if these two things had any effect on the Universe, but in the next three weeks 11 paintings of mine sold and they are the ones shown below. Large and small, expensive and affordable flew out the door! I became verrrrry popular with my gallery owner. I am sharing this with you not to brag, but because who knows what could happen to you with a little focus on what you need from the Universe?
Rock on, WooWoo!
Be sure to click on the thumbnail to see the full painting.