Holiday Bazaar, Part I: The Results I have been in such gratitude lately. Ever since John and I packed up my booth from Boquete's Holiday Shopping Bazaar on Friday, November 25th and took our tired bodies home, I have been giving thanks. My artwork was VERY well accepted into the Boquete community! I was selling all day long, people asked for brochures and business cards. I developed an interest list for an upcoming encaustic workshop after the first of the year. I sold three encaustic paintings and have a commission for a 4th. In addition, of the 15 whimsical bling pieces I showed, I sold all 4 bling bowls, 2 bling balls, one hanging cross and one standing cross. With orders for more! How gratifying, how fulfilling this is to me. Thanks to all my friends and new customers for supporting my efforts! These are the paintings I took and the circled ones sold. The woman who bought the upper left one also ordered a companion piece to go with it: ![]() In addition, one of my favorite whimsical bling pieces, the two-sided cross, sold to a dear friend and the same woman who purchased the painting circled on the lower right, above. It's a precious piece to me and I'm glad it went to a great home. I have two more shows to do. One is a "Girls and Gab" invited event at a private home on December 1st, and the next one is Holiday Bazaar, Part II on December 10th. Then I hope to rest, relax and get ready for 8 family members coming in for the Holidays. I will keep you posted on how the future events unfold. I'm also excited to build my first encaustic workshop. I'm able to take proceeds from my sales and purchase additional encaustic tools to build out a well-stocked encaustic workshop. Let's see, I need a new heat gun, another griddle, more paints, more beeswax, ooooh, maybe I'll get that butane torch I've been wanting, to you later!
Okay, readers, my heart is in my throat these day, my eyes are at half mast and my body is weak and tired. Why? I'm showing my new encaustic paintings for the first time here in Panama in 3 days and it's exciting, thrilling, scary, and all that.
I took a photo of the body of work. I've got twelve small paintings I'm putting on display and they are available for purchase, as well.The show is a "Holiday Bazaar" at the local community center, called BCP. Other Boquete artists, vendors, crafts people, etc will be showing as the idea is to kick off the Holiday Shopping Season with us! So, while technically, it's not a formal art show (that will come in February), it IS the first time anyone here sees my work. And there's a good chance it will raise some eyebrows. From what I've seen here to date, the art here is very traditional: landscapes, flowers, local indigenous children -- representational stuff. Mine is not. I paint concepts, not people, places and things. So, like a said, I don't know if there's a local market for my type of art or not, but either way, we'll get a good idea of it one Friday, right? I'm really taking a risk, but what is life without a few risks and multiple shots of adrenalin that keep you up at night, eh? Anyway, after the show I'll update y'all, and in the meantime, here's the photo of the 10 x 10" encaustic paintings I'll be showing: |
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